Only hours after the death of his friend, Dominic Hackett began to receive screenshots of Snapchats allegedly made by the driver who hit and killed Sherell Lewis Jr., of Leesville.
Within a day, the images went viral. Social media users wanted the driver, 18-year-old Matthew W. Martin, of Hineston, arrested and worse. While still at the scene of the crash on U.S. Highway 171, Matthew had used a racial slur to describe Lewis and seemed more concerned with the condition of his truck than anything else.
Hackett's first reaction?
“Aw man. I was mad at first," he said. "I was very mad.”
Hackett and Lewis grew up together, and Hackett said they were like brothers, closer even, despite their age difference. Lewis was 31; Hackett is 26.
Hackett said Lewis was positive and kind-hearted. He had a passion for music of all genres and for clothes, hair and shoes — "He was always buying shoes." — and could change the mood of a room just by walking into it.
Hackett said he always could count on great advice from Lewis, whom he met through his older brother.
Now, he mourns Lewis with the rest of his family, friends and community. 
"A lot of people are hurt by it. The community is hurt by it," he said.
Louisiana State Police investigators are continuing their investigation into the incident, which happened when Lewis and another pedestrian were removing wood from the right southbound lane of the four-lane highway. It had fallen out of a vehicle in front of them on the highway, said Hackett.
That Lewis was helping a complete stranger, and on his 31st birthday, doesn't surprise Hackett. That's just the kind of man he was, he says.
Hackett got a call after a friend's mother drove up to the scene and realized that Lewis was the victim. He and others were told Lewis was being sent to Alexandria in an ambulance, but soon got another call telling them the ambulance was turning around.
Lewis was dead.

'I forgive him'

Once the images began to be shared, people began to bombard state police, the Vernon Parish Sheriff's Office and other agencies to demand justice. The Leesville Police Department responded to a Twitter user who mistakenly thought Lewis had been hit by one of their officers.
Many people have demanded that Martin, who apparently has scrubbed his Snapchat account, be charged with a hate crime, prompting Vernon Parish Sheriff Sam Craft to issue a statement Wednesday. What Martin allegedly wrote is "appalling," but isn't a crime, said the sheriff.
The outcry prompted state police on Thursday to release more information, saying it had interviewed the stranger Lewis was helping and two other witnesses. Hackett says he has faith in the process.
He knows how far the story has spread, saying he's had messages of support from across the country and even the world. He says that, right now, he believes what happened was an accident. But he can't understand how Martin would have no remorse.
"My friend’s life is not replaceable,” he said. "For you to kill someone and right after you hit him, you’re on Snapchat? That just shows you have no concern."
He imagined himself in that situation. He'd immediately try to help, said Hackett.
"But your main concern is your truck? It makes you question if it was on purpose or not."
Still, Hackett says he has forgiven Martin even though some of his friends think he's crazy.
"I forgive him," he said. "I could meet him right now and shake his hand."
What he hopes is that Martin and others learn something. He said he knows that is what Lewis would want to happen.
"Learn from this experience what your words can really do. The tongue is a dangerous weapon,” said Hackett. "Be smarter, man.”
When asked how he could forgive, he admitted that his reaction would have been different even a year ago. But Hackett said having a child has changed him, and he credited his parents for raising him right.
He also said it wasn't his place to judge Martin. You never know why someone is the way they are, so you can only pray for them and forgive them, he said.

Lewis's death a blow to community

Lewis' death has left a void. He was engaged to be married, said Hackett, and he had a sister with whom he shared a close relationship. He also leaves behind a business that he only recently inherited from a longtime Leesville barber, the Rev. Clarence "Sonny Boy" Holden, who died in 2017.
"That shop was his life. He loved it," he said. "He hated missing work for anything in the world.”
Hackett described the shop as a community institution, and said he's committed to seeing it remain open even if he has to quit his own job. And, thanks to the generosity of the Leesville business community, that might be a bit easier now.
An effort is underway to remodel the shop at no cost to Lewis' family. Lowe's Home Improvement of Leesville employees who want to help will be granted paid time off, while The Affordable Handyman will be donate its services.
Lowe's will raise money to buy the materials, said Carlisha McLaurin, a friend of the family. Lewis cut her son's hair for the past two years, she said.
Hackett reiterated that he wanted something positive to come from Lewis' death, that he hoped it might change lives for the better.
"Watch what you say. Pay attention when driving," said Hackett. "Sherell was a good guy. He was one of those people; he liked changing people’s lives.
"He would want it to have a positive effect on others."