
'Officer with a pin'

'Officer with a pin'
(As originally published June 26, 2017)

'Officer with a pin'

De-escalation skills for law enforcement officers are a hot topic, but such training has been available in Rapides Parish for the past few years. Called Crisis Intervention Training, officers take a 40-hour course to learn how to handle those in mental-health crises and in other situations. As their final exercise, officers undergo role-playing exercises with trainers who don't hold back.Wochit
Police have replaced mental health professionals on the front line for many Louisiana residents suffering crises, something not surprising to Rapides Parish law enforcement.
Just weeks ago, Louisiana Department of Health Secretary Rebekah Gee told lawmakers that most mental-health services to people on Medicaid would be cut to handle a proposed $235 million cutback in funding.
"Think about what that would do to our communities, to the safety of our communities," Gee told lawmakers in a quote from www.nola.com.
But officers within Rapides Parish already know what that means, as do those who need the services. Agencies have seen an increase in mental health-related calls since cuts began at the state level years ago.
Calls to the Alexandria Police Department designated for mental-health issues skyrocketed from 496 in 2015 to 625 in 2016. The number of calls were higher than the number of reports officers actually generated, though — 344 in 2015 and 474 in 2016.
Numbers like that are why a group of law enforcement officers gathered in late February for a week of training that would certify them as members of the Central Louisiana Crisis Intervention Team.
Learn more: What is CIT?
They aren't the first group to earn the right to wear a CIT pin on their chests, and they won't be the last. Another session is set for June 26-30, and officials would like to expand it beyond Rapides Parish.
The certification doesn't come with extra pay. It can thrust officers into situations where one simple action might trigger an already fragile person into harming himself or others.
But it does equip them with vital de-escalation skills, something that Baton Rouge lawmakers seek for more officers in the wake of Alton Sterling's fatal shooting by two officers in July 2016.
They undergo 40 hours of training, learning about different types of mental illnesses, medicines, communication skills, "less lethal" techniques and more, as well as site visits to local facilities and presentations from mental-health professionals and others. Then, the participants pair up for role playing exercises that determine whether they pass or fail.
At the February session, there were officers from the Alexandria, Pineville and Woodworth police departments, correctional officers from the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana Probation and Parole and security officers from Pinecrest Supports and Services Center and Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital.
"Your job is to take them to the hospital" — voluntarily — stressed Alexandria Cpl. Vern Rennier to the group before they were tested.
"That's the key word."

Climbing call numbers


The Alexandria Police Department led the local charge on using the CIT method, beginning training around the same time as departments in Lake Charles and Monroe in 2007-08. The concept was conceived in Memphis by a task force assembled following the 1987 fatal shooting by police of a mentally ill man, becoming known across the United States as “the Memphis model.”
Although it has core principles, CIT must be localized because each area that uses it is different.
Loren Lampert, Alexandria’s chief, credited Capt. Clifford Gatlin for bringing it here. But training stopped in 2012 when state funding was cut.
Then came state plans to consolidate mental health and other services, and Huey P. Long Medical Center in Pineville was closed in 2014. Soon, people with nowhere else to turn during mental crises were calling police.
For instance, calls in Alexandria jumped from 372 in 2014 to 496 in 2015, a 33 percent increase. The Pineville Police Department saw a much greater increase — 208 percent — when it went from 23 such calls in 2014 to 71 in 2015.
The Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office had 125 of the calls in 2014, but 149 in 2015.
The numbers show that Alexandria has had far more calls than either other department.
In 2012, Alexandria received 318 calls; in 2013, 407; in 2014, 342; in 2015, 496; and in 2016, 625.
In Pineville, there were 40 calls in 2012; in 2013, 25; in 2014, 23; in 2015, 71; and in 2016, 49. The sheriff's office had 111 in 2012; in 2013, 133; in 2014, 125; in 2015, 149; and in 2016, 146.
While Lampert points to the lack of services for the increase in calls, he said the numbers don’t truly reflect what's happening on the streets. Those numbers don't include incidental contacts that officers have as they patrol or other situations called into the department — disturbances, welfare checks, etc. — that turn out to be mental health-related, he said.
He estimated that the department has at least two contacts per day with people who need such help. And not all of the calls received translated into a report being filed by police, he said.
Officers never were meant to fill this role, and some departments just aren't equipped to handle it, said Lampert.
But make no mistake, he believes in the CIT training. He said he sees its value at least once each week, recalling how CIT-trained officers have talked people off bridges twice and out of a stand-off situation.
Vic Dennis Jr. agrees with Lampert's assessment of how reduction of services has hit the area.
"Well, it put everybody in a crisis," he said.
Dennis is chairman of the local CIT committee, and he was one of the people evaluating the officers undergoing their final test during the February training session. He's been involved since the beginning.
After funding was cut in 2012, things were quiet until December 2015. Then he got a call from Gatlin and Nicole Beer, the head of the behavioral unit at Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital.
They wanted to talk about starting CIT training again. In January 2016, a new class formed. Training, with materials now paid for by sponsors, has continued since.
Eight agencies have participated, and 66 law enforcement officers have completed the program. 
Gatlin says more organizations — the 9th Judicial District Court, hospitals, the Alexandria Veterans VA Health Care System, — have joined the effort. Many in the local mental-health field contribute their time and money without wanting any credit, he said.

Role playing with realism


An air of playful nervousness fills the training room at the Louisiana Probation and Parole office on MacArthur Drive on March 1. The 20 people here are about to pair up for their final tests.
Each pair goes through two scenarios, allowing each officer a chance to take the lead. Everyone is instructed to go into the hallway, and Rennier, Beer and Chad Randow, the intake director at Longleaf Hospital in Alexandria who has volunteered to help, began discussing what scenario to use on the first team.
The circumstances can range from a consumer — the name used for those officers assist, instead of subject or suspect — struggling because they're off their medication to suicidal veterans dealing with PTSD to domestic disputes. All are based off the trainers' experiences in their own jobs.
"Always keep your cool," Rennier tells them. "The biggest weapon you have is between your ears."
The first two are Rapides Parish Sheriff correctional officers, Nathan Cloud and Carey Hudson, so they prepare a situation that fits their workplace.
Beer portrays an inmate off her medication who has removed all her clothes and shows no interest in getting dressed again. The goal for Cloud and Hudson is to get her to agree to go to isolation.
"I need ya to calm down for me," Hudson pleads as Beer dances around him. He asks her if he can take her somewhere to make her feel better, which prompts sexually suggestive retorts and a lot of eye waggling.
She agrees to go with him after he keeps talking to her in a calm voice and promises some Mardi Gras beads.
The second scenario is starkly different. Randow plays a seething inmate who is tossing chairs and raving about how he's not a snitch. Working together, the duo gets Randow to step into a hallway, taking him away from the prying eyes of other inmates.
The move works to calm Randow, and the exercise is over.
The pair then receives feedback from Rennier, Dennis and Beer. Randow credited them for not getting flustered as he threw chairs, but did say he was able to get within reach of where they normally would carry their weapons.
Nobody carries weapons during this part of the training, says Rennier, because it can get intense. Everyone must remove their gun belts and place them on a nearby table before the exercises begin.
Rennier graduated with the first class in December 2007.
"When I heard about the program, I wanted to be involved with it," he said. "I've known people in the past who've had mental behavior disorders, and I wanted to be the one who helped them get the help that they needed in a crisis."

'Officer with a pin'


Now, he welcomes officers when they arrive for training and also instructs them on things like legal issues, less lethal techniques and putting what they've learned into action.
When the officers head back to their jobs, the new pins they wear on their chests make an impression on consumers. It shows when calls are made to police.
"They would call in, 'I need an officer with a pin,'" said Rennier. "They're referring to the CIT pin."
Consumers request CIT officers by name once trust is gained, he said. It's a goal for officers to do follow-up visits with consumers they help, so they can build a relationship.
Families also see the difference with CIT-trained officers, recognizing that the officers aren't there to hurt their loved ones, said Rennier.
"They just want them to go get help."
Officers are trained not to dehumanize consumers and to get them to agree to go with them for treatment, if necessary. Handcuffs still are used, however, after that agreement is reached.
Rennier said untrained officers might not understand what is going on and use a shock device or take-down move to handle the situation. In fact, he said many officers will remark that they've been in similar situations before, but didn't know what really was happening with the consumer.
He stressed that officers must work to build trust "because these people remember you," he said.
"They're very smart. And they remember things like that, so if we lie to them or if we are aggressive with them, they'll remember that the next time this officer shows up to their house."
Dennis agrees.
"It's a different approach," he said. "If an officer shows up, looking mean with a gun and everything, the person with a problem may become defensive."
Such a situation easily can result in a bad experience and an arrest, meaning that consumer might not get the help needed. Beer stressed that teaching the CIT method helps ensure safety for both officers and consumers.
Dennis acknowledged there still is resistance from some in law enforcement who believe they shouldn't be social workers.
"But they really don't have a choice because they are the first line of defense," he said.
Lamar Briggs, a Grant Parish juvenile probation officer who works with Dennis on the CIT committee, said the goal is to provide help.
"It works for both sides. Does it work 100 percent of the time?" he asked. "Of course not, but it is very effective, and it does work a large percentage of the time."
Briggs said officers should view the training as another tool they can use to keep themselves safe. He said he went through one of the first classes and knows that things have changed "drastically" since then.
"There's overwhelming support for this program," he said. "In some ways, it's outrun us."
Some officers from outside Rapides Parish have gone through training here, and Dennis said they'd like to offer it in other parishes if possible.
Gatlin, who now supervises the Alexandria department's support services division, said local CIT training already has started expanding to include methods for juveniles and training for school resource officers. Some Rapides Parish school resource officers, all sheriff's deputies, already are CIT-trained.
Dennis said he'd like to see dispatchers undergo training, too.
Rennier pointed to high-profile cases that has made working the streets harder for officers. He said people see those incidents on television and assume the same may happen to them if they call for help. Officers must worker harder, building verbal techniques, to gain the trust of consumers, he said.
“Everyone has bad days, whether it’s suicidal or not. We want to treat everyone with care, with dignity and respect. We want to do that through kindness and genuineness whenever we talk to them."

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