None of Frank Selas' children had a clue about their father's "Louisiana legal problems" until the night of his January arrest, they all testified Thursday in a hearing to determine whether he'll be granted bail.
Ninth Judicial District Judge Mary Lauve Doggett took the matter under advisement, saying she'd have a decision within a week. Other motions that had been scheduled for Thursday either were continued without date or reset for Dec. 1.
The testimony opened a window into Selas' personal life, revealing that he is heavily in debt, owes back taxes, recently fell while in jail and that his wife lost her private school teaching job in the fallout after his arrest.
It also showed, in previously undisclosed information from the lead detective in the case, that Selas traveled the globe with and without his family — paying careful attention to avoid any mention of Louisiana — before and after settling in a San Diego suburb around 1980.
The hearing afforded the family a small reunion outside of a jail. Before the hearing resumed after a lunch break, Selas walked away from the defense table to get hugs from all four siblings.
Selas was arrested Jan. 25 at his Bonita, California, home, almost 37 years after two warrants had been issued for him in the wake of an investigation into sexual abuse complaints filed by several families. Then a children's television show host known as "Mr. Wonder" at KNOE-TV in Monroe, Selas had taken a group of kids on a camping trip to Valentine Lake in June 1979.
Some children told their parents that Selas allegedly had sexually abused them. But when Rapides Parish Sheriff's detectives, including current Sheriff William Earl Hilton, went to arrest him in Monroe on the warrants, Selas was gone. After his arrest, a Rapides Parish grand jury indicted Selas — who legally changed his last name to Szeles in 1992 — on two counts of aggravated rape, three counts of sexual battery and eight counts of felony indecent behavior with juveniles.
He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Selas' children testified that they would post bond for their father and guarantee his appearances in Rapides Parish if he's allowed to return to his Bonita, California, home, or to an apartment near one of his daughters in central Pennsylvania.
One of his sons, David Szeles, testified that his once-active father's health has started to fail in jail and that he fell last week while incarcerated at the Rapides Parish Detention Center #3, which is off Coliseum Boulevard. Selas was taken by ambulance to Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital and ended up hospitalized at Rapides Regional Medical Center.
David Szeles, an immigration attorney who works for a San Diego nonprofit organization, said the man he's read about in the media doesn't resemble the father he knew. He said that his father has lost weight since he was arrested by U.S. marshals in January.
When the children visited their 77-year-old father at the detention center Wednesday, he didn't engage with them like normal, didn't eat a meal they'd brought for him and was sitting in a wheelchair, he said.
"He wasn't the same as he was before," the son testified. "He just looked really frail and a completely different person."
Defense attorney Mike Small later introduced documents detailing Selas' fall and subsequent hospital stay, including a letter from a local doctor that stated Selas suffered a brain injury. After the hearing, Small said his client needs the kind of treatment that he cannot get while incarcerated.
Selas' youngest daughter, Tammy Green, was the first to testify. Under questioning from Small about what he called her father's "Louisiana legal problems," she said her father always has been there for her. Small asked her questions about her own family in Pennsylvania, her children and her husband, an accounting professor at a university.
When he asked if she ever saw any inappropriate behavior by her father toward her children, Rapides Assistant District Attorney Brian Mosley objected. He said the hearing was about whether bond should be granted and not about Selas' character, although he added that "if that's the door that's being opened, then I'll drive right through it."
Doggett agreed with Mosley.
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Small continued questioning Green, reading off the charges facing her father. Green grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes, but said she and her siblings "definitely" would be willing to sign off on bond for their father.
Green later was brought back to the stand to testify that the siblings also would be willing to secure an apartment near her home for their father.
Son Sean Szeles, an Emmy Award-winning producer in television animation, testified that, of the four siblings, he had the most knowledge of his parents' finances. He said he'd been helping his father pay off a lot of debt, as well as back taxes. He said his father's only source of income was monthly Social Security payments.
He acknowledged that his mother was retired, but stumbled over the reason why. David Szeles later testified that their mother was forced out at the private school that some of her nine grandchildren attended because of the publicity surrounding their father's case.
He said the case garnered a lot of media attention in San Diego, too, but the school didn't cite that officially as the reason for firing their mother. He said she was an "at-will" employee, and that she did receive a severance.
Jacquline Ryan, the oldest of Selas' four children, said she had a "pretty amazing" relationship with her father. "My dad is like my hero," she beamed.
Ryan, a divorced "extremely overprotective" mother who lives with her parents in her childhood home, said she relies on Selas for his optimism and zest for life. She described a tight-knit family and said she had no issues allowing her three sons to be around her father.
She said it was "unreal, a complete shock" to learn of her father's arrest, which happened while she was out running errands. "It has completely changed our family."
Ryan, who was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, said she has no memory of living in Louisiana, but does know she spent time in Japan and Argentina, her mother's home country. Her siblings also told of traveling to Spain, France, Morocco and the Philippines as they grew up.

Name change and travel

Mosley asked all the siblings about their travels and about the proximity of their father's home to Mexico. Bonita is only miles from the border, the children testified, but they said that they had not visited that country with their father for years. They also said that, as far as they knew, their father had no friends, relatives or other contacts in the country.
Mosley also asked the children about the spelling of their last name and if they always remembered it being spelled that way. Ryan said she didn't know the reason for the change, which happened when she was in high school, but some of them said it was because their father wanted to revert to the way his Hungarian relatives spelled it before they immigrated to the United States.
"We're into genealogy, so we want things to be accurate," said Ryan.
But Rapides Parish Sheriff William Earl Hilton and lead Detective Steve Phillips painted a different picture of Selas. Hilton told of talking twice to Selas' wife, Maria Magdalena Aranda Selas — when he and his then-partner, Graham Hendricks, went to serve the arrest warrants in 1979 and the next day after Maria Selas had received a telephone call from her husband.
Hilton testified that Maria Selas told him her husband urged her to join him in Rio de Janerio and that he might go to Argentina. Maria Selas said she refused initially, telling her husband that she needed to decide what to do because of their young daughters, Hilton said.
He also testified that he later learned from the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office that Maria Selas had left Monroe.
The defense had no questions for Hilton, which meant that Phillips took the stand next. He said that his investigation found Selas began using the new spelling of his name sometime in late 1979 or early 1980. Letters were found referencing it after a search warrant was served at Selas' home after his arrest.
Phillips testified that Selas also switched his first and middle names, and sometimes added "Edward" to his name. He also claimed that Selas transposed some numbers in his Social Security number on at least one occasion.
Also found during the execution of the search warrant were videos, old passports and correspondence between Frank and Maria Selas that detailed some of their travels across the United States and abroad. Frank Selas apparently returned to the states around November 1979, Phillips testified, but Maria Selas remained in Argentina with their two daughters.
He said that a passport from when Ryan was a child showed that she arrived in Argentina on June 18, 1979. Phillips also testified that Frank Selas was nervous about revealing he had any connection to Louisiana and had told his wife that it had been easy to get a new driver's license in Illinois with the new spelling of their last name.
And Phillips testified about finding a family video shot at Christmas 1980 that he called "odd," showing Frank Selas walking near their home, among other people, with his two daughters dressed in jeans but no shirts.
Phillips also said he'd talked to a woman who used to work with Frank Selas at a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who claimed he was removed from the church after unsanctioned pool outings with youngsters.
But defense attorney Marc Carlos, the attorney the family initially hired in San Diego who is working with Small, asked Phillips if he'd talked to anyone in an official capacity with the church about Frank Selas' standing. Phillips said he had not.
Carlos also asked him whether he had interviewed the former church coworker himself, and Phillips said no. Another detective had conducted that interview, he said. Under Carlos' questioning, Phillips admitted that he had no knowledge of any police reports made by the church about his client.
Carlos pointed out that Selas had been living in the United States for decades and had been using his same Social Security number and driver's license number.
At the end of the hearing, Small surrendered Selas' passport to Doggett, who asked the attorneys for their recommendations on bond. Mosley said he opposed any bail being set for Selas, saying he had fled once before "and 37 years later, he we are." He said he had "serious concerns" about whether Selas would return to court if granted bail.
Small pointed to Selas' children and the risks that they were prepared to take for their father. He cited Selas' age and health, saying he could be electronically monitored even out of state. "But look at him," he said, gesturing to Selas sitting next to him. "Do you really believe he has the physical or mental acuity to flee?"
Doggett did say that if she granted bail, one condition of his release would be that Selas would be barred from having contact with any minor children.